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OPTION 1 - DONATION : Please fill in this form - you will then receive an email - Follow the instructions

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OPTION 2 - DONATION by Bank Transfer

Bank account:

Swiss Yogathon 

IBAN : CH25 0483 5130 3816 3100 0




We will need your details in order to send a Donation Receipt. Please mention your name and donation purpose in the communication from your bank on our account


APPEL à volontaires

Aux enseignant.e.s de yoga certifié.e.s. qui souhaitent participer dans nos programmes, dans vos villes avec notre support ou en Suisse romande dans l'équipe en place, n'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre et contribuer à transmettre des valeurs qui feront la différence dans le monde de demain. 

Si vous gérez un studio et souhaitez mettre en place un partenariat, parlons en! Vous êtes bienvenu/e


CALL for Volunteers

Any Teacher wishing to join us for being part of the karma yoga programme and sera activities, feel free to reach us. You will receive support to put together a programme locally near your place or join our team in Romandie part of Switzerland. 

If you are a studio owner wishing to join, let's talk about it! You are welcome


Such an organisation cannot work without means nor support

Help us and donate!

  • time
  • money
  • equipment (laptops, cameras, mats and blocks, cell phone...)
  • energy


Volunteers are welcome in South Africa - minimum 3 months - ask conditions. 

A lifetime experience


We need you, you, you ! 


Example on how to make a difference:

-- once off: 10€


Examples on how to make a big difference: 


Join us at different levels



- Create an event for fundraising! 

- Give us your time and your energy for managing a project in your country. 

Become a contributor first, then send us your project and our Committee will study all proposals on a quaterly basis.  

- spread the word, and spread again!

... social medias

... newspapers

... tv, radios any media will help


Contributor / Member:  

help us from home

50 € Per year


Corporation or Private: donation




8-week programme 


Samadhi Sponsor:

10.000€/per year or more...

1 taylor made training program per year


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You want to become a volunteer ? here is how to contact us for an internship or any position you would like to apply for:

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Remarque : Les champs suivis d'un astérisque * sont obligatoires.

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"It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result."      Mahatma Gandhi


" If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning"


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© Sylvain Lonchay