
Prochains évènements 2022: 


YOGATHON à Lausanne le 18 juin 2022 pour célébrer la journée internationale du Yoga

24 h de yoga non-stop. Un évènement à ne pas manquer - programme à venir.


Dès février 2022 -> Cours communautaires - programmation  de cours sur donation libre pour soutenir les programmes de Swiss Yogathon qui font la promotion de là non-violence et du vivre-ensemble comme ceux de l'Association AHIM'SA


Septembre/ Octobre 2022 -> Formation de volontaires en Afrique du Sud pour re dynamiser les programmes de cours pour les communautés défavorisées des bidonvilles du Cap afin de promouvoir une autre vision du vivre-ensemble




Our mission for the coming years is to redefine Non-Violence at individual level, in corporations and at school. We have to optimize Gandhi's heritage and honor great pacemakers of the 20th century.


MISSION 2021 2022  Redéfinir la Non-Violence

Le yoga comme les exercices de prise de conscience ou la méditation  s'avèrent essentiels de nos jours pour se donner les moyens du changement.  Gandhi en son temps, chacun aujourd'hui, c'est ainsi que l'héritage des grands activistes pacifistes du 20ème siècle peut prendre un nouvel envol.

Programmes à venir

Sensibilisation dans les écoles et en entreprise.

Our short history


A few years ago we had a vision that if we could bring like-minded people together working towards a mutual goal, we could change a little bit of this world for the better. All you had to bring were good intentions and a positive spirit.


So, a 24 hour Yoga session was held, as our first fund raising event, in a traditional Swiss chalet. We called it a Yoga Marathon, even though the implication of a race was not needed. It turned out to be an enormous amount of joy.  We all felt really uplifted as we collected our first donations, inspiring us to develop another adventure the following year.


We soon realised that what we were doing simply wasn’t enough, so we began to create more events, and with the proceeds we helped build a well for clean water in the village of Maharashtra in India, so the villagers had access to clean water. The year after, we succeeded in helping schools and local orphans in the same area of India. In the third year, we helped to put together a medical practice with volunteer doctors to support workers and their families in small villages around the Nashik area. We also sponsored a little girl’s education in the Tibetan children’s village of Dharamsala in the Himalayas. Now, we want to promote non-violence through yoga.


In 2016, we decided to create this non-profit organisation, we aim to support more people on a bigger scale in order to bring even more changes to peoples’ lives in the future through promotion of NON-VIOLENCE and the values of Yoga for a better world


Why don’t you join us and make a difference!


Thank you.


"It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result."      Mahatma Gandhi


" If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning"


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© Sylvain Lonchay